Tuesday, September 24

Today in Math we used some impressive numbers from the Guinness World Records to practice comparing large numbers as well as sharpening our number sense, use of place value, and representing numbers in words. Ask your child about the game we played! In French, we're continuing to work with numbers, focusing today on writing numbers in words. Some of us have finished up responding to our September quote in Language Arts, and it will be unfinished work for the remainder of the students. 39 Clues: The Maze of Bones, the novel we're reading together as a class, has hit a very exciting moment, and we're eager to find out what happens next! In Science, we started researching a plant and animal from each of the three wetland zones, exploring their physical appearance, location, life cycle, adaptations, and place in the food web. We will continue this research as the week goes on.

Important Dates:
  • Description of Wetlands notes and definitions: Overdue  
  • Kernels and Jugo Juice Fun Lunch: Wednesday, September 25
  • Time Capsule (Letter, yarn, hand/foot tracing, envelope): Due Thursday, September 26
  • First Positive Choices Reward: Thursday, September 26 (Can wear pjs, bring a stuffie and a blanket, and we will be having some free computer time)
  • Wetland Field Trip Reflection: Due Friday, September 27
  • Muffin Breakfast and Terry Fox Run: Friday, September 27 (Remember to bring in your donations!)
  • Personality Swirl: Due Monday, September 30