Friday, October 25
Today started peacefully with some DEAR time (Drop Everything And Read) in which students were very engaged in the books they were reading. This was followed by an exciting assembly that included Mr. Janzic and Mr. Wilson dying their hair as part of the celebration of Hawkwood School achieving our Terry Fox Run goals! Mr. Janzic looked particularly dashing with his bright pink hair!
After the assembly, we had our usual Friday sharing and compliment time in Circle, and then either continued to work on our Because of Mr. Terupt character collages or spent some time catching up on unfinished or overdue work. There are a significant number of due dates coming up next week, so please support your child in ensuring that this work is completed on time by reminding them to work on it at home.
In Phys. Ed. we had a choice day, and in Social Studies we continued to brainstorm the factors that contribute to quality of life. We finished up our day with a full school literacy activity writing about the mysterious suitcase that showed up in our Learning Commons. Students had some really creative ideas on where it might have come from and how it could have ended up at Hawkwood School!
After the assembly, we had our usual Friday sharing and compliment time in Circle, and then either continued to work on our Because of Mr. Terupt character collages or spent some time catching up on unfinished or overdue work. There are a significant number of due dates coming up next week, so please support your child in ensuring that this work is completed on time by reminding them to work on it at home.
In Phys. Ed. we had a choice day, and in Social Studies we continued to brainstorm the factors that contribute to quality of life. We finished up our day with a full school literacy activity writing about the mysterious suitcase that showed up in our Learning Commons. Students had some really creative ideas on where it might have come from and how it could have ended up at Hawkwood School!
I'm looking forward to seeing many of our families at the Halloween dance tonight!! A reminder that this fun even runs from 6:30-8:30 pm and that tickets are available at the door if you didn't pre-purchase them through Healthy Hunger!
Important Dates:
- Maze of Bones Journal Page: OVERDUE
- Wetland Plant and Animal Research: OVERDUE
- Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection: OVERDUE
- French Number Booklet: Due Monday October 28 *due date was extended*
- October Quote Reflection: Due Monday, October 28
- Worry Drawing (for Health): Due Monday, October 28
- Math Extra Practice 4&5 (estimating sums and using benchmarks to estimate): Due Tuesday, October 29
- Math Extra Practice 6&7 (estimating differences and using estimation to check answers): Due Wednesday, October 30
- "Mon Monstre" (for French): Due Wednesday, October 30
- Identity Hand (for Social Studies): Due Wednesday, October 30
- Diversity Venn Diagram (for Social Studies): Due Thursday, October 31
- Halloween (students are permitted to dress up as long as there are no masks, weapons, or gore): Thursday, October 31
- No School (PD Day): Friday, November 1