Monday, October 28

Today we started working on Metric Monsters in Math. Students had to create a monster face consisting of at least six parts (head, hair, eye(s), ear(s), nose(s) and mouth(s)), at least one of which had to be a rectangle or square. Students had to measure and record the length of each body part in both centimeters and millimeters, as well as finding the perimeter and area of the square or rectangle. We will continue this measurement work in upcoming Math classes.

Metric Monsters in Math

In French, we continued practicing Halloween vocabulary using Quizlet and listening to "C'est l'Halloween." Students really enjoyed the matching and gravity games in Quizlet, and are encouraged to play these games more at home in order to practice this vocabulary.

In Science we finished up identifying different types of wetlands and did an interactive demonstration of how interconnected a wetland food web is and the devastating effect of losing one species on the rest of the ecosystem.

In DPA, we got our class account set up for GoNoodle and started exploring some of the movement and calming videos. This free website can also be used at home to create indoor opportunities for activity and exercise on cold days like today!

In Language Arts, we continued work on our Because of Mr. Terupt character collages and caught up on overdue and unfinished work.

Overdue Work:
  • Maze of Bones Journal Page
  • Wetland Plant and Animal Research
  • Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection
  • French Number Booklet
  • October Quote Reflection
  • Worry Drawing (for Health)
Upcoming Due Dates:
  • Math Extra Practice 4&5 (estimating sums and using benchmarks to estimate): Due Tuesday, October 29
  • Math Extra Practice 6&7 (estimating differences and using estimation to check answers): Due Wednesday, October 30
  • "Mon Monstre" (for French): Due Wednesday, October 30
  • Identity Hand (for Social Studies): Due Wednesday, October 30
  • Diversity Venn Diagram (for Social Studies): Due Thursday, October 31
Important Dates:
  • Halloween (students are permitted to dress up as long as there are no masks, weapons, or excessive gore): Thursday, October 31
  • No School (PD Day): Friday, November 1