Tuesday, October 22
Today in Math we wrapped up our work focused on estimation, though this is a concept that will continue to be important throughout the year. In French, we finished up our monsters, practicing our Halloween vocabulary, body part words, numbers, and colours.
In Language Arts, we continued to practice replacing jail words with strong verbs, and students came up with some fantastic vocabulary, including "consumed," "snatched," "blurted," "detected," and "frolicked." We also finished reading Because of Mr. Terupt, and were thrilled to find that the ending was happier than many of us were expecting! Tomorrow we will begin some collaborative work to help represent characters from this powerful novel.
In Social Studies we demonstrated our understanding of the concept of "identity" and wrapped up some of our unfinished assignments. Next we will begin exploring quality of life.
Important Dates:
- Maze of Bones Journal Page: OVERDUE
- Wetland Plant and Animal Research: OVERDUE
- Wetland Art: Due Wednesday, October 23
- Place Value Booklet (Extra Practice 1-3): Due Thursday, October 24
- French Number Booklet: Due Friday, October 25
- Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection: Due Friday, October 25 (see questions below)
- Halloween Family Dance: Friday, October 25 6:30-8:30 pm
- October Quote Reflection: Due Monday, October 28
Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection Questions
Where did most of our
families come from? What continents and countries?
Why did most of our families
come from these countries?
What was the most interesting
artifact you saw and why?
What can the artifact tell you
about the family’s identity?
What did your artifact show
about your family’s identity?
What did you learn about the
diversity of our grade 5 classes?