Monday, November 25
Today in Science, students were thrilled to begin the hands-on experiments that will comprise so much of our Classroom Chemistry unit. After exploring the definition of mixtures and solutions, students started brainstorming different ways to separate mixtures of solids including by hand, with sieves, using water, with magnets, and with wind. Then, in small groups, they were given seven different mixtures to attempt to separate. We will continue with this work on Wednesday.
In Math, we explored a pattern problem related to increasing hexagons, and then continued our work with writing pattern rules with an expression using a variable.
In French, we played Quizlet Live with weather and season vocabulary. Then, in Language Arts, we explored how to write a complete sentence and how to fix run-on sentences.
In Math, we explored a pattern problem related to increasing hexagons, and then continued our work with writing pattern rules with an expression using a variable.
In French, we played Quizlet Live with weather and season vocabulary. Then, in Language Arts, we explored how to write a complete sentence and how to fix run-on sentences.
Overdue Work:
- Wetland Plant and Animal Research
- Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection
- French Number Booklet
- October Quote Reflection
- "Mon Monstre" (for French)
- Diversity Venn Diagram (for Social Studies)
- Metric Monster
- Aurora Borealis Art
- November Quote Writing
- Save the Wetlands Project
- Mystery Suitcase Story
- The Boundless storyboard chapter one picture and summary
Upcoming Due Dates:
- Math textbook page 8 - All questions: *DUE Tuesday, November 26*
- Math textbook pages 11-12 - Questions 1-4: *DUE Wednesday, November 27*
- Math Tree problem: *DUE Thursday, November 28*
- Stress Management Plan visual journal page: *DUE Friday, November 29*
- French Weather & Seasons visual journal page: *DUE Wednesday, December 4*
Important Dates:
- Science Fair Meeting: Thursday, November 28 at 12:30
- Facial Hair Friday (in support of Movember): Friday, November 29
- In-Line Skating: Monday, December 2 - Wednesday, December 4
- Pizza & Movie Night: Thursday, December 5 from 6:00-9:00 pm
- PD Day (No School): Friday, December 6