Thursday, November 21

Today in Math we continued working with relating the term number to the term value by writing a pattern rule in words. We talked about how each pattern has two different rules that can be written: one that relates each term in a pattern to the one before, and one that relates the term number to the term value. Then we practiced identifying and writing these rules and using them to solve problems. We will continue with this work in upcoming classes, as well as writing an expression with a variable to represent our rule.

In Science we continued to explore the states of matter, clarifying some misunderstandings that students had and introducing vocabulary to describe changes in state: melting (solid to liquid), evaporating (liquid to gas), condensation (gas to liquid), and solidification or freezing (liquid to solid). 

We also spent time preparing for student-led conferences, which are this evening and tomorrow daytime. I am looking forward to meeting with all of you! A reminder once again that these conferences are student-led, which means that it is important for your child to attend with you.

One notice came home today, family count, about an upcoming pizza and movie night at the school.

All parents are encouraged to read through the following images, which can also be found here. This document summarizes changes in the report card indicators.

Overdue Work:
  • Wetland Plant and Animal Research
  • Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection
  • French Number Booklet
  • October Quote Reflection
  • "Mon Monstre" (for French)
  • Diversity Venn Diagram (for Social Studies)
  • Metric Monster
  • Aurora Borealis Art
  • November Quote Writing
  • Save the Wetlands Project
Upcoming Due Dates:
  • Mystery Suitcase Story: *Due Monday, November 25*
  • The Boundless storyboard chapter one picture and summary: *Due Monday, November 25*