Thursday, December 12

Today we finished up our Arctic region jot notes in Social Studies. If students are not yet done gathering this information, they can finish it up during QR/UFW time or at home for homework, but it needs to be done for Monday, December 16.

In Math we had a probability check in. Students were very successful on this and seem to be understanding these concepts well!

In Science we had a guest speaker, Danuta (a Hawkwood parent), come in to talk to us about acids, bases, and pH. In addition to introducing these important concepts, she also led us us in a really neat hands-on experiment using red cabbage as a pH indicator to test different substances. Her slideshow has a lot of great information, including instructions on how to perform the experiment at home, and I would encourage you to take a look at it!

In Art we continued working on our Monet-inspired birch tree art, painting texture on the snow, shadows of the trees, and optional background details like fences and other trees. This work is now almost completed, with the final step of removing the tape and adding lines to the trees scheduled for the near future.

We also spent time today doing Circle time, working on unfinished work or quiet reading, meeting once again with the opera composer, Mr. Darin, and continuing to read The Boundless together.

Important Dates:
  • Arctic Region jot notes: Due Monday, December 16
  • Sleepy Santa (students can wear pjs and/or Santa hats): Wednesday, December 18
  • Positive Choices Reward (movie, pjs or costumes, snacks for self or to share): Thursday, December 19
  • Report Cards go home: Thursday, December 19
  • PD Day (No School): Friday, December 20
  • Winter Break (No School): Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3
  • PD Day (No School): Monday, January 6