Thursday, December 5

Today we had our regular Circle sharing and compliments time. Then we had some computer time to support our Math and Language Arts learning. Students wrote the pattern unit test today in Math, which is one way that they will demonstrate their understanding of these concepts. In Social Studies, we had our final class time to work on travel brochures about the Cordillera region of Canada. (This will now be unfinished work and will be completed during QR/UFW blocks and/or for homework.)

Ms. Sheri visited us once again from CPAWS to continue the Water Rangers program we began on Tuesday. We reviewed how humans can negatively impact wetlands and began considering how we can have a positive impact instead, including restoring riparian areas, creating man-made wetlands, planting local trees, reducing/cleaning up waste, using water responsibly, supporting/joining organizations that work to preserve wetlands, and spreading awareness. Ms. Sheri encouraged us all to take the CPAWS action challenge. We also reviewed some of the adaptations that help particular plants and animals to thrive and survive in a wetland environment (of which students remembered quite a few from our wetlands unit).

1 notice coming home today (family count) about an Indigo e-gift card holiday fundraiser for the school.

  • School council's Pizza and Movie night is TONIGHT at 6:00 pm! Come for a fun and festive evening with your family watching Arthur Christmas!
  • No school tomorrow because it's a PD Day!
  • Our next Positive Choices reward is on Monday, which is our next day of school. Students are welcome to wear pajamas and bring a blanket and/or stuffed animal, and we will have some free time on computers and iPads. 
  • Hawkwood School is collecting donations of money and non-perishable food items for the Calgary Food Bank up until Winter Break, so keep those generous donations coming in!

Overdue Work: 
  • Aurora Borealis Art
  • Stress Management Plan visual journal page
  • French Weather & Seasons visual journal page
Important Dates:
  • Pizza & Movie Night: Thursday, December 5 from 6:00-9:00 pm
  • PD Day (No School): Friday, December 6
  • Positive Choices Reward (free computer/iPad time, pajamas, blankets, stuffies): Monday, December 9
  • Sleepy Santa (students can wear pjs and/or Santa hats): Wednesday, December 18
  • Report Cards go home: Thursday, December 19
  • PD Day (No School): Friday, December 20
  • Winter Break (No School): Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3
  • PD Day (No School): Monday, January 6