Wednesday, December 11

Today in Math we created spinners to allow us to predict and then test the probability of landing on each colour (ie to compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities).

We also had the opportunity to explore the "Starbooks" cafe set up by Mrs. Harms/Ms. Wadja's class in the Learning Commons today, where each student shared about a book they had read. Our class really enjoyed this cafe, so we will likely do a similar project next term.

In French we continued working with Christmas vocabulary (reviewing the song and Quizlet set from yesterday as well as starting a word search), and in Social Studies we kept going with our Arctic region jot notes.

In Science we explored the difference between a physical change and a chemical change, and sorted different examples into these categories, justifying our choices. We also set up our salt crystal experiment, which will be an ongoing process over the next little while. To prepare this, we used hot water to dissolve a large amount of salt (continuing to add it until no more could dissolve), creating a supersaturated solution. We then added food colouring and hung a string into our solution and set it off to the side for now. Stay tuned for results from this experiment!

Important Dates:
  • Mixing Spoon order pick-up: Wednesday, December 11 (6:30-8:00 pm) and Thursday, December 12 (9:00-10:00 am) 
  • Sleepy Santa (students can wear pjs and/or Santa hats): Wednesday, December 18
  • Report Cards go home: Thursday, December 19
  • PD Day (No School): Friday, December 20
  • Winter Break (No School): Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3
  • PD Day (No School): Monday, January 6