Wednesday, December 18
It was fantastic to see so many students dressed up for Sleepy Santa today! The overall mood of the school was very festive! This was compounded by today being our first carol singing time, along with an opera singer and one of the handbell groups performing. Our second and final carol singing time will be tomorrow afternoon.
In Math we worked to sharpen our logical thinking skills by solving Sudoku puzzles. In Phys. Ed. we "wrapped the present" with the parachute, sending one another for a spinning ride! In Language Arts, we finished up our chapter 6 storyboard for The Boundless and started reading chapter 7, as well as practicing our parts of speech by completing holiday-themed Mad Libs. Social Studies provided another opportunity to work on posters about the Arctic region of Canada, either alone or with a partner. We also had a chance to explore the toys that some of the grade four students invented using simple machines.
Reminder: Tomorrow is our Positive Choices reward of a movie, pjs/costumes/stuffies/blankets, and snacks. Students are permitted to bring a snack just for themselves or for the whole class. Tomorrow is also the last day of classes before winter break, and report cards will be going home.
Please Note: For students who signed up for the science fair and ordered trifolds, those trifolds have now arrived and can be picked up from the office ASAP! A reminder that trifolds are quite large, and, as such, are not permitted on school busses. Please make arrangements to pick up and transport these as soon as you can! Thank-you!
1 family count notice will be coming home tomorrow. I meant to send it today, but the end of the afternoon ended up being a bit hectic. Here it is digitally for you though!
In Math we worked to sharpen our logical thinking skills by solving Sudoku puzzles. In Phys. Ed. we "wrapped the present" with the parachute, sending one another for a spinning ride! In Language Arts, we finished up our chapter 6 storyboard for The Boundless and started reading chapter 7, as well as practicing our parts of speech by completing holiday-themed Mad Libs. Social Studies provided another opportunity to work on posters about the Arctic region of Canada, either alone or with a partner. We also had a chance to explore the toys that some of the grade four students invented using simple machines.
Reminder: Tomorrow is our Positive Choices reward of a movie, pjs/costumes/stuffies/blankets, and snacks. Students are permitted to bring a snack just for themselves or for the whole class. Tomorrow is also the last day of classes before winter break, and report cards will be going home.
Please Note: For students who signed up for the science fair and ordered trifolds, those trifolds have now arrived and can be picked up from the office ASAP! A reminder that trifolds are quite large, and, as such, are not permitted on school busses. Please make arrangements to pick up and transport these as soon as you can! Thank-you!
1 family count notice will be coming home tomorrow. I meant to send it today, but the end of the afternoon ended up being a bit hectic. Here it is digitally for you though!
Important Dates:
- Carol Singing: Thursday, December 19 at 1:30 pm
- Cordillera Region travel brochure: Due Thursday, December 19
- Positive Choices Reward (movie, pjs or costumes, snacks for self or to share with the class): Thursday, December 19
- Report Cards go home: Thursday, December 19
- Winter Break (No School): Friday, December 20 - Monday, January 6 (school resumes on Tuesday, January 7)