Wednesday, December 4

Today in Math we continued reviewing concepts related to patterns in order to prepare for our unit test, which is tomorrow! Students are encouraged to finish and check over their unit review tonight at home (questions and answers can be found below, at the end of this post). A reminder that tomorrow morning is your very last chance to check in with me about any concepts you still don't understand before the test, so please do so if needed! Please don't wait until during the test to ask for help; that will be too late! 

Our day was full of physical activity today, as we had both flower sticks for our regular Phys. Ed. time, along with our final period of inline skating with Coach C. Students had so much fun during this inline skating residency, and it was amazing to see the way their skills improved over even three classes! A huge thank-you to Coach C. and Alien Inline for running this program with us!

In Science we began by exploring the properties of water. This introduced some important new vocabulary including: cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, density, and solvent. Mr. Risdon did a neat demonstration of the surface tension and cohesion of water where he added coloured water to an already full cup so that the liquid bulged up over the cup's brim but did not spill over.

Then we reviewed what a solution is and students performed an experiment testing the solubility of different substances in water. The substances tested were: olive oil, instant coffee, dish soap, gravel, sugar, corn syrup, baking powder, and corn kernels. Students observed whether each substance did or did not dissolve in water, and drew each mixture both before and after stirring it.

Overdue Work:
  • Wetland Plant and Animal Research
  • Cultural Artifact Museum Reflection
  • Diversity Venn Diagram (for Social Studies)
  • Metric Monster
  • Aurora Borealis Art
  • Save the Wetlands Project
  • Math Tree problem
  • Stress Management Plan visual journal page
  • French Weather & Seasons visual journal page
Important Dates:
  • CPAWS wetlands presentation (part 2): Thursday, December 5
  • Pattern Unit Test (Math): Thursday, December 5
  • Pizza & Movie Night: Thursday, December 5 from 6:00-9:00 pm
  • PD Day (No School): Friday, December 6
  • Positive Choices Reward (free computer/iPad time, pajamas, blankets, stuffies): Monday, December 9
Unit Review Questions and Answers for Math Pattern Test