Friday, January 24
We started our day with Circle time and then had an extra Music class as our usual one on Wednesday was canceled for opera auditions. In Art we continued working on the pattern mug art we started last week; we will have more class time for this on Monday. We continued to read The Boundless and almost finished chapter 12. In Social Studies we began taking jot notes on the next region - the Canadian Shield. We had some quiet reading/unfinished work time, and wrapped up the day with our whole school math activity about visual number representations and patterns.
Today we also introduced an assignment that students will have to prepare for Thursday, January 30 (which is this coming Thursday). They will be giving an informal presentation to a peer about a book that they have read and enjoyed. The information and assessment sheet came home today, or a digital copy can also be found here. It is important for students to ensure that they include all key elements in their talk. I have encouraged them to write down what they would like to say in order to ensure that they hit all of the key topics that will be assessed. They also need to have a physical copy of the book with them, but they are welcome to sign one out from the library if needed.
Today we also introduced an assignment that students will have to prepare for Thursday, January 30 (which is this coming Thursday). They will be giving an informal presentation to a peer about a book that they have read and enjoyed. The information and assessment sheet came home today, or a digital copy can also be found here. It is important for students to ensure that they include all key elements in their talk. I have encouraged them to write down what they would like to say in order to ensure that they hit all of the key topics that will be assessed. They also need to have a physical copy of the book with them, but they are welcome to sign one out from the library if needed.
Overdue Work:
- Cordillera region brochure
- December Quote response
- Les Vetements worksheet (both sides)
- Arctic Region posters
- January Quote response
Important Dates:
- Decade Writing: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- 2020 Goals visual journal page: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- French fashion show: *Presenting on MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- Second round of opera auditions: MONDAY, JANUARY 27
- Fun Lunch: MONDAY, JANUARY 27
- Snack and Chat: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30
- School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 at 6:00 pm
- PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31