Monday, January 27
Today in Math we began exploring mental math strategies for multiplication. These built off of strategies that we have already been working with throughout this unit. Each strategy uses the basic facts that students already know in order to solve a multiplication equation with larger factors. Students brainstormed a number of fantastic strategies with which to find the product of 14x50, and then we highlighted three key mental math strategies. The strategy used for a particular problem will depend on the factors.
The three main strategies are:
1. Breaking the number into smaller parts
2. Halving and doubling
3. Using compatible numbers and then compensating
We finished reading chapter 12 of The Boundless and completed our storyboards for this chapter. We also voted on our next Positive Choices Reward (computer time - date do be announced), reviewed last week's Words of the Days, and handed out Goosey and Ducky.
We played a subtraction dice game with our Grade 2 Buddies, and we continued working on our mug art in Art. These pieces are really coming along!
Students who participated in our school science fair will have a meeting at lunch recess tomorrow to announce which projects will be moving on to the city science fair. After this meeting, students will be taking their trifolds home, so please make the necessary arrangements for transportation (they once again are not allowed on school busses).
The three main strategies are:
1. Breaking the number into smaller parts
3. Using compatible numbers and then compensating
Students began solving practice problems mentally using these strategies and will continue with this work tomorrow.
Important math dates to note:
- Multiplying by 10s worksheet (lesson 3): due Wednesday
- Estimating Products worksheet (lesson 4): due Wednesday
- Multiplication Check-in (basic multiplication and division facts, multiplying by 10s and 100s, estimating products, mental math to multiply): Thursday
In French we prepared, practiced, and performed short fashion shows to demonstrate oral language related to items of clothing and colours. Three groups opted to wait until tomorrow to do their fashion shows, so those students will want to ensure they are wearing clothing tomorrow that matches the scripts they've prepared. Students did a great job speaking French in front of their classmates, which can be a scary thing to do!
We finished reading chapter 12 of The Boundless and completed our storyboards for this chapter. We also voted on our next Positive Choices Reward (computer time - date do be announced), reviewed last week's Words of the Days, and handed out Goosey and Ducky.
We played a subtraction dice game with our Grade 2 Buddies, and we continued working on our mug art in Art. These pieces are really coming along!
Students who participated in our school science fair will have a meeting at lunch recess tomorrow to announce which projects will be moving on to the city science fair. After this meeting, students will be taking their trifolds home, so please make the necessary arrangements for transportation (they once again are not allowed on school busses).
Overdue Work:
- Cordillera region brochure
- December Quote response
- Les Vetements worksheet (both sides)
- Arctic Region posters
- January Quote response
- Decade writing
- 2020 Goals visual journal page
Important Dates:
- Multiplying with Multiples of 10 worksheet (lesson 3): *DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29*
- Estimating Products to Solve Problems worksheet (lesson 4): *DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29*
- Snack and Chat: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30
- Math Check-In: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30
- School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 at 6:00 pm
- PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31