Thursday, January 16

Today in Math, following our usual number sentences equalling 16, students had a chance to explore online math games for practicing basic multiplication and division facts. These links would be a great way for students to continue practicing these facts at home as well. Following this computer time, students had a final opportunity to work on textbook pages 74-75 and 78-79, about multiplication and division strategies. These pages are now unfinished work/homework, due on Wednesday, January 22, and students are encouraged to work on this at home as needed.

In French, we had our final class time to work on our clothing visual journal pages.

We had another Social Studies class to work on our Interior Plains region newscasts. We will be filming these newscasts next Thursday, January 23, so scripts need to be completed and well rehearsed by then. In Science we watched a Bill Nye video about electricity, taking jot notes and discussing important information. To round out our day, we also had some quiet reading/unfinished work time (lots of due dates have been added - please see below) and started reading chapter 10 of The Boundless.

One family count notice is coming home today, about school council's next Family Pizza & Movie Night event.

Important Dates:
  • Birch Tree Art: *DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 17*
  • Opera Auditions: FRIDAY, JANUARY 17
  • Interior Plains jot notes: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 20*
  • Les Vetements worksheet (both sides): *DUE TUESDAY, JANUARY 21*
  • Math textbook pages 74-75 & 78-79: *DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22*
  • Science Fair Projects (for participating students): DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22
  • Arctic Region Posters: *DUE THURSDAY, JANUARY 23*
  • January Quote Response: *DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 24*
  • Decade Writing: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
  • 2020 Goals visual journal page: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
  • School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 
  • PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31