Thursday, January 23
Today in Math we corrected the textbook pages that were due today about strategies for basic multiplication and division facts. Rather than all going over the answers together, students broke into groups of three, compared their answers, and explained/justified their answers/processes if there was disagreement. The idea was for students to consider their own processes, convince one another and ultimately come to agreement on the best answer. For any questions that were incorrect, students copied down the correct answer to help them review later.
In Science, we reviewed the meaning of a circuit and the parts of a battery and lightbulb. Then we worked together to trace the flow of electricity through a circuit, describing which parts of the battery and bulb had to be connected, and the direction and path of electron flow. The electrons begin at the negative terminal of the battery, flow into the lead tip of the lightbulb, through the filament (which lights up), out of the lead contact, through the threaded metal base, and finally back to the positive terminal of the battery, where the cycle begins again. This is important vocabulary that we will continue to work with throughout the unit.
In Social Studies students finished up the preparations and practice for their Interior Plains newscasts in the morning, and then got to film and edit them this afternoon. Students were very excited about this project and put a lot of effort into creating effective and information newscasts! We're looking forward to watching and sharing these videos soon!
In Science, we reviewed the meaning of a circuit and the parts of a battery and lightbulb. Then we worked together to trace the flow of electricity through a circuit, describing which parts of the battery and bulb had to be connected, and the direction and path of electron flow. The electrons begin at the negative terminal of the battery, flow into the lead tip of the lightbulb, through the filament (which lights up), out of the lead contact, through the threaded metal base, and finally back to the positive terminal of the battery, where the cycle begins again. This is important vocabulary that we will continue to work with throughout the unit.
In Social Studies students finished up the preparations and practice for their Interior Plains newscasts in the morning, and then got to film and edit them this afternoon. Students were very excited about this project and put a lot of effort into creating effective and information newscasts! We're looking forward to watching and sharing these videos soon!
Overdue Work:
- Cordillera region brochure
- December Quote response
- Interior Plains jot notes
- Les Vetements worksheet (both sides)
- Math textbook pages 74-75 and 78-79
- Arctic Region posters
Important Dates:
- January Quote Response: *DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 24*
- Decade Writing: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- 2020 Goals visual journal page: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- French fashion show: *Presenting on MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- Fun Lunch: MONDAY, JANUARY 27
- School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 at 6:00 pm
- PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31