Thursday, January 30

Students wrote a math check-in today that covered the multiplication and division concepts that we have learned so far in this unit. The results from this check-in will be very helpful in highlighting which concepts students understand and which necessitate further review and practice.

We continued our discussion from yesterday around mental health. Students created four-word affirmations that they can use to build themselves up and calm themselves down. Some examples include: "I can do anything," "I believe in myself," "This can't affect me," and "I'm worthy of love." Then each student filled in a speech bubble detailing an action they are committing to in order to create positive change in terms of their own mental health or in support of others. These will go up on a bulletin board in the classroom in order to remind students to take care of and build up themselves and others.

We wrapped up today with an all grade 5 Snack and Chat book talk activity for Language Arts. Each student in the grade had prepared a short book talk about a book they enjoyed, and rotated through different partners discussing their books while having a snack. Hopefully students have come away from this activity with a book or two that they would be interested in reading! Thank-you for the work that students put in to prepare for this sharing. 

We still have a stack of science fair trifolds left in the classroom. Please ensure that these go home on Monday. They will be disposed of at the end of next week.

A reminder that there is no school tomorrow. Have a great long weekend!