Wednesday, January 22
Today more than half of our class participated in the science fair! It was wonderful to see the hard work that students put in and all of the amazing projects that were completed! We will be announcing the projects that will move on to the city science fair early next week (after which time trifolds can be taken home). Whether your project moves on to the city science fair or not, I am so proud of all of you, and I hope that you are proud too! Thank-you as well to the parents who provided support at home for these projects, and the to the large number of parents who came through the science fair today! I know that the students appreciated you being there!
For the students not participating in the Science Fair, we had some time in Math to catch up on unfinished multiplication and division assignments. In French we used Quizlet Live to practice our clothing vocabulary. In Language Arts we created Wacky Web Tales together. We had a solid period of quiet reading/unfinished work time, and in Social Studies students continued to prepare and practice for filming their Interior Plains region newscasts tomorrow.
Overdue Work:
- Cordillera region brochure
- December Quote response
- Interior Plains jot notes
- Les Vetements worksheet (both sides)
Important Dates:
- Math textbook pages 74-75 & 78-79: *DUE THURSDAY, JANUARY 23* Arctic Region Posters: *DUE THURSDAY, JANUARY 23*
- Interior Plains Newscasts: *Be ready to film on THURSDAY, JANUARY 23*
- January Quote Response: *DUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 24*
- Decade Writing: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- 2020 Goals visual journal page: *DUE MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- French fashion show: *Presenting on MONDAY, JANUARY 27*
- Fun Lunch: MONDAY, JANUARY 27
- School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 at 6:00 pm
- PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31