Wednesday, January 29
Today in Math we created and shared number sentences equalling 29 as well as marking Lessons 3 and 4 in small groups. A reminder that we have a check-in tomorrow about all of the concepts covered thus far in the unit.
Topics to review include:
Topics to review include:
- Basic Multiplication and Division facts (up to 10x10)
- Multiplying by Multiples of 10
- Estimating Products to solve problems
- Mental Math strategies for Multiplication
We also had some quiet reading/unfinished work time and read more of chapter 13 of The Boundless. We left off at a really exciting spot!
In Science students began creating visual dictionaries of important vocabulary words from our Electricity and Magnetism unit. We will continue with this work next class and throughout the unit.
In Social Studies students finished up their jot notes about the Canadian Shield region.
We finished up the day with some work around mental health for Bell Let's Talk Day. We watched some videos about how we can support others in terms of mental health, as well as sharing important resources such as the Kids Help Phone that students can access if they need help. We had some really great discussions about the struggles that people might be having and ways to take care of ourselves and one another. Students are encouraged to continue this discussion with their parents tonight, and it is also a topic that we will continue with tomorrow, as students still have a lot to say about it.
A reminder that our first Snack and Chat is tomorrow. Please see the link here for more information. Students need to ensure that their book is at school tomorrow for Snack and Chat, as well as anything they have written out to help with their presentation. I strongly encourage students to look through how they will be assessed and plan out a presentation that includes all of those elements. Students can also bring a snack for themselves to eat during this time.
I am still missing four Winsport forms. Tomorrow is the due date for these forms as our first Winsport day is next week (Wednesday, February 5), so please ensure that forms are handed in tomorrow! Even if students are not participating in the lessons, they need the field trip form filled out to be able to leave school grounds to go sit in the lodge.