Friday, February 28

We began the day with Math, completing our number sentences as usual, and then continuing to work with three digit by one digit division. Mr. Risdon taught us about "The Long Division Family" as a way to remember the steps in long division. We had an assembly about the opera during which Mr. Darrin shared more of the music that he has composed for our production and allowed students a chance to share in singing some of the parts. The assembly was followed by a period of Drop Everything and Read, during which student were very engaged in reading a book of their choice silently and independently. After our break outside, we had our Circle sharing time and Phys. Ed. Then we ended the day with a school-wide mental health activity of mindfully colouring, which was very calming and peaceful. Lunchroom childcare tax receipts are coming home today for the period of January - June 2019 (the end of last year), so please ensure that your child gives this to yo...