Tuesday, January 28

Today in Math we reviewed the mental math multiplication strategies from yesterday and then continued working on the practice questions. Students also spent some time writing and sharing number sentences, and we had some great discussion about the challenging concepts some students have begun exploring, including factorials, fractions, decimals, and order of operations. We've been really impressed with the way that students have been pushing themselves to try more challenging number sentences. Keep up the great work!

In French we shared the last few fashion show presentations and then played "J'ai... Qui a...?" which is the French version of a game we've played in Math. This game helped us practice saying clothing words.

In Social Studies students continued taking jot notes about the Canadian Shield region to highlight important information and unique features about this large region. We are using the textbook as our primary source for information.

After lunch we had a special presentation from Inside Education entitled "The Hour of Power" as part of our science unit on electricity and magnetism, with connections to our social studies work as well (involving resources in different parts of Canada). This presentation highlighted electrical safety and the process for producing electricity in different parts of Canada using different resources (oil, gas, coal, uranium, water, biomass, wind, solar, and geothermal). The presenter engaged students through games and opportunities to act processes out. This was a great introduction to some important concepts from the unit.

After an outside DPA (daily physical activity) and break time, we wrapped up the day by starting chapter 13 of The Boundless. We are reaching a really exciting part!

At a lunchtime meeting, the projects moving on to the city science fair in April were also announced. I just want to reiterate again how very proud I am of all of the students who finished projects for the science fair! All of the projects were amazing, and I wish that we would have been able to send more than seven on to the CYSF! A reminder to please make arrangements to take your trifolds home sometime this week if you haven't already done so. Thank-you!

Overdue Work:
  • Cordillera region brochure
  • December Quote response
  • Les Vetements worksheet (both sides)
  • Arctic Region posters
  • January Quote response
  • Decade writing
  • 2020 Goals visual journal page
Important Dates:
  • Multiplying with Multiples of 10 worksheet (lesson 3): *DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29*
  • Estimating Products to Solve Problems worksheet (lesson 4): *DUE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29*
  • Snack and Chat: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30
  • Math Check-In: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30
  • School Council Movie Night: THURSDAY, JANUARY 30 at 6:00 pm
  • PD Day (No School): FRIDAY, JANUARY 31