Friday, November 29
Today we had our regular Circle time, with both time for sharing and time to give one another thoughtful compliments. We also passed Goosey, as we always do on Fridays, to a student who has shown "goose-like" behaviour by supporting others and being a leader. In a fabulous show of generosity, one of the students in our class also brought in a stuffed duck, Ducky, to be passed in a similar manner to Goosey. Now we can recognize two outstanding members of our classroom community each week!! Thank-you once again to the student who gave Ducky to our class! We also continued working on our birch tree art that we began yesterday, using watercolour paint to fill in the sky and then sprinkling it with salt to create a cool effect. This continues to be an ongoing project in Art. One of the highlights of today was, of course, Deck the Halls! Students had a great time creating holiday light crafts to represent their names and supporting their grade 2 buddies in doi...