Thursday, December 19

Happy Winter Break!! We had a fun day leading up to the break, playing Prodigy for the first half of math class, followed by the choice between finishing up multiplication colouring sheets and Sudoku from earlier this week or playing another game of SNAKE. Phys. Ed. brought more parachute play. We had Circle time to share about our lives as well as to support one another in concerns we had. We almost finished chapter 7 of The Boundless in Language Arts, and will come back to that after the break. This afternoon brought our final carolling time, with a special visit from a festive version of Harry the Hawk and another handbell performance. We ended the day with a movie and snacks for our Positive Choices reward. Report cards are coming home today. Please read through the report card, and then sign and return just the envelope , which will be used again for Term 2's report card. If your child was absent today, the report card can be picked up from the office during the...